Museum kiosk software

por gingerbooth
Museum kiosk software

Built the software for a barcode-driven Long Island Sound kiosk at the Peabody Museum of Natural History. This kiosk has a collection of barcoded items from Long Island Sound, and a barcode scannner, to make the kiosk display information on that item. Visitors can also get their own barcode, and scan themselves in, and leave a webcam video message. None of this is online, unfortunately, due to concerns from Yale Legal.

image of username gingerbooth Flag of United States Branford, United States

Mi perfil

I'm a freelance Web programmer, with over 25 years of experience, largely in interactive graphics. I've been developing for the Internet since 1994. My specialty is rich internet applications for teaching, scientific research, games, e-commerce, and social networking. I also love to write - both technical writing and fiction, plus a bit of graphic storytelling (manga and story illustrations). Excel at specifications, proposals, and documentation.

$40 USD / hora

