Renewable Energy Solutions Company Builds Dream Ad Through Contest

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Houston, Texas-local Massy Almubidin sees that she makes a difference in the community and in the environment via her company IntegrateSun, a renewable energy solutions company. “We are dedicated to healing the planet through the promotion of renewable energy systems,” said Massy.

Renewable Energy Solutions Company Builds Dream Ad Through Contest - Image 1

Aside from marketing her business through her website, Massy needed to get her business to the MVP level locally. As the director of business, she was well equipped with the skills and knowledge to do just that. One thing that came into mind was to advertise the business through a local magazine, and being the go-getter that she was, she did just that.

She found a few graphic designers in her locale but wasn’t pleased with their output since it wasn’t in-sync with what the company had in mind. They also charged a very hefty amount for the service.

Massy took her business needs to the internet, hoping to find a solution online. She found through a Google search for graphic designers and was attracted to its Contest platform.

“The Contest feature offers an array of options for a specified budget. It was perfect to say the least,” she said.

Massy drafted her contest brief and locked in her budget of US$100. “An ad should reflect a company’s brand. We were going for a modern, clean image, anything other than that would have misrepresented IntegrateSun,” she added.

Contestants had the freedom to express themselves in their designs as long as their contents weren’t text-heavy since Massy was straying away from the conventional home improvement ads.

Four days later and Massy had the ad she envisioned. She received a total of 91 entries from 32 freelancers from all over the globe. The contest winner was stepablo, a graphic designer from Surabaya, Indonesia who specialized in visual strategy, layout development, branding and media advertising. Her profile had perfect scores across the board.

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“My colleagues and I are very particular with what our company pushes out, so everything must be top-tier. Stepablo was phenomenal, as he surpassed our expectations by providing a design that incorporated all the requirements we specified while presenting our brand image accurately.”

After receiving the ad design, Massy sent it out for publishing and was well received by the magazine company. It has translated to potential clients ringing their office phones inquiring about their products and services. “We published the ad and it has been a very successful campaign. We look forward to doing more projects on Freelancer,” said Massy.

“By offering a wide community of talented individuals, gives its employers the ability to find the best person/people to get a job done as per our specifications.”

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IntegrateSun’s new ad could be the answer to taking the business to the top. Through, sky’s the limit for any individual or company with aspirations of bringing their business to the next level.

Be leaps and bounds ahead of the competition by hiring the best of the best around the world. Hire a freelancer or post a contest and watch your business grow.


Publicado 15 octubre, 2018


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