Freelancer: luutrongtin89
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I hope you like them.

I hope you like them. 32 x 32 px very small. I think one color is best.

Participación en el concurso Nro.8 para                                                 create a spreatsheet of 32x32px animals
Participación Nro. 8

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  • boddafree
    Organizador del concurso
    • 7 años atrás

    These seem more distictive than the other b/w ones. But there has to be one missing, because it should have been 36 in total. But I'm still missing a bit more distinctivness, for example: the bear hasn't got the line through the leg that's on the far side. small things like that are very important if it's only 1 color.

    • 7 años atrás
    1. luutrongtin89
      • 7 años atrás

      please check entry #12

      • 7 años atrás